Super Natural Healing with Hypnosis.

Name and Credentials:
My Name is Reverend Sheila Scott. I am a retired RN with 40 years of experience. I am a Certified Consulting Hypnotist (CCH), Clinical Hypnotist and a Master Hypnotist (MHT). I am registered with the National Guild of Hypnotists. I have advanced hypnotherapy training in the Simpson Protocol, Upgraded Simpson Protocol, Spiritual Hypnosis, Pain Management, Hypnosis For Childbirth, Advanced Medical-Surgical Hypnosis, Smoking Cessation, Past Life Regression, Interlife and Future Life Progression. I have been providing hypnosis services since 1998.
I am also a licensed Spiritualist Minister in the province of Ontario, Canada.
1998 - Certified Past Life Therapist, International Association of Past Life Therapists
2004 - Certified Hypnotherapist, National Guild of Hypnotists
2009 - Pain Management Certification
2010 - Advanced Medical-Surgical Hypnosis Certification
2010 - Master Hypnotist Diploma,
2010 - Doctor of Divinity
2011 - Hypnosis and Childbirth Specialist Certification
2013 - Certified Metaphysical Hypnotist
2017 - Certified Gastric (Lap) Band and Hypnotherapist​
2018 - Doctor of Spiritual Healing and Counseling
2018 - Smoking Cessation Specialist,
2021 - Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor
2021 - Certified Simpson Protocol Practitioner
I am LGBQT2S friendly.